Thursday, January 9, 2014

Awesome Teacher Stuff!

Did you see my pretty new banner at the top of my page. Yeah, right there. The one right above this post. It's an awesome deal from Educents. They have asked me to be an affiliate of theirs and I happily agreed. Yea for cheap teacher stuff! I am thrifty after all. Plus, if this is your first order, you get a $10 credit!! What could be better? Being thrifty and getting credit for more free stuff?! Awesome! Click on the banner above or on this link to get your $10 and some amazing deals on stuff you will definitely use!

How's back to school after the winter break going for you? We had 2 "snow" days to start off our week. At first, I was mad because I had already planned and spent a few hours in my classroom preparing for this week. I didn't want to leave things out, change my plans, etc. Then we were out 2nd day and I had to change everything anyway because we wouldn't be able to get our reading story, etc in. So, I fixed this week and did some more fun review, being good friends, procedure stuff instead, and I am completely planned and ready for next week, so I am ahead of game. Woohoo! It's nice to take it a little bit easy for a few days.

I am so excited about some things we have coming up. Plus, I have found some great winter-themed stuff on TpT, and that makes everything more fun. What are you most excited for in the coming weeks?

Be Fun and Fabulous!

~Mrs. Sweeney